
Showing posts with the label Spur Gear Manufacturer

Spur Gears - Greatest Mechanical Discovery

Mechanical gears play a crucial role in the history of machines. Gears are basically mechanical transmission devices that have a wide range of applications in industries. A gear is a toothed-shaped mechanism that may be either a wheel or a cylinder. It is a device that meshes and rotates by administering force to a toothed part of another device to produce a mechanical advantage. There are many types of industrial gears of which Spur Gears are the most common types of gears. A spur gear is a unique gear with straight teeth mounted parallel to the axis of rotation. How do they work: These gears can be connected and interlocked easily when placed next to each other. However, make sure that the gears are placed in such a position that the gear wheels are on the same plane. Now when the main gear is rotated the teeth present on the main gear automatically push the interlocking teeth forward. As both are on parallel axles it causes the consecutively linked gear to turn and rotate in the o...